A great crowd gathered at the ECMOD DC Live show yesterday evening to celebrate the success of the nine supplier businesses which won coveted Supplier of the Year Awards. Unlike other awards these are based purely upon clients  nominating the suppliers who support their businesses with outstanding service. As such they are considered to be a true marque of excellence.

More than 300 nominations were received in total, with many client companies opting to nominate in several of the service categories.  Each nomination was verified prior to being processed  and the winner for each category was based upon the number of bona fide nominations received. Jillian Bamsey of International Dance Supplies and who also serves as an Advisory Board member of CatEx Direct Commerce Association was invited to present the trophies.

The winners are:

Best 3rd Party Order Fulfilment                           —   Clientbase Fulfilment

Best Creative & Design Services                        —   TA Design

Best Mail/Home Delivery Solution                      —  Hermes

Best Payment Solution                                       — ChasePaymentech

Best Technology Solution                                   — Keystone Software

Best Web & Digital Development Services         — Blueclaw

Best Print/Production Services                           — Garnett Dickinson/GD Solutions

Best Media Buying/Planning Agency                  — All Response Media

Best Data Services                                              — Marketing Innovation Group